What is Cloud computing and Edge computing?

by | 17 Mar, 2023 | Technology

Today’s world is shifting towards the internet and nowadays companies adopting cloud technology to use the high-speed computer process as cloud tech has lots of benefits they provide cloud storage, cloud network, and many more.

As we discussed above ‘what is cloud’ above and now we will learn more about cloud computing and edge computing in this blog.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is possible through virtualization technology, which means a virtual computer behaves the same as a physical or normal computer and it is also known as Virtual Machine. Even if they are on the same physical computer when virtual machines on the same host system are set appropriately, they are sandboxed from one another and do not communicate at all, the data and apps from one virtual machine are not accessible to the other virtual machines. 

Moreover, virtual computers make better use of the hardware that runs them. One server may operate multiple virtual “servers” simultaneously by operating numerous virtual machines, turning a single data center into a network of data centers that can support numerous enterprises.

As a result, cloud service providers may affordably and simultaneously provide access to more clients than they could otherwise. Users can connect to the cloud using the Internet or a number of interconnected networks to access cloud services using a browser or an app, regardless of the device they are using.

The term ‘cloud’ for cloud computing?

The term “the cloud” was first used in the computer sector. The computers and networking equipment that make up the Internet were frequently shown as a cloud in early technical schematics of the Internet. 

When more computer operations moved to this server and infrastructure area of the Internet, individuals started using the term “the cloud” as a shorthand for the location of the operations. These days, the phrase “the cloud” is frequently used to refer to this kind of computing.

Cloud Computing vs Edge Computing

The importance of understanding that cloud and edge computing are two unique, non-replaceable technologies cannot be overstated. Although edge computing is used to process time-driven data, cloud computing is used to manage non-time-driven data. 

Edge computing is preferred over cloud computing in remote locations with inadequate or no connectivity to a central site. The best option for the necessary local storage at these sites is edge computing, which operates like a mini data center. 

Edge computing is also useful for specialized and intelligent devices. While these gadgets resemble PCs, they are not typical computer devices with various functionalities. These smart, specially-made computers respond to specific machines in a particular way.

Yet, in some sectors where quick answers are necessary, this specialization becomes a disadvantage for edge computing.

Edge computing over Cloud computing?

The majority of IT professionals have a valid query like this. In the fireside chat, Bernard discusses how edge computing is useful when businesses want to avoid the lag time that occurs when sending data from a device across the network to a centralized computing system. He uses the example of a machine whose operation is essential for a company. 

The company would suffer losses if the machine’s decision-making process was delayed because of latency. In these situations, enterprises will choose edge computing due to the placement of smart devices with computational capacity at the network’s edge. 

The apparatus keeps track of a set of predetermined measurements for tolerance levels, As soon as a machine hits the failure level, a warning signal is sent, and the equipment is immediately shut down to prevent future losses.

Because it can take up to 2 seconds to relay information to the central data center, edge computing differs from cloud computing in that it slows down the decision-making process. Because signal latency might result in losses for the organization, edge computing is preferred by businesses over cloud computing.

Future of Cloud Technology

Bernard cites the fact that there is currently no analytical framework to support the idea that cloud computing would eventually become obsolete, despite the fact that many businesses are adopting edge computing and making this prediction.

Edge computing is not the only answer to the problems IT vendors and organizations face, and it is not capable of handling all applications in all environments. As a result, cloud computing will continue to be an essential component of an organization’s IT infrastructure. 

Bernard uses the example of an IoT gadget with processing power and Azure capability to illustrate this. Although the remainder of the application is running in Azure, the device-deployed code reacts in real-time by shutting down the IoT unit in the event of a damaging failure scenario. 

Due to its use of edge computing, the multi-million dollar system is no longer reliant on the cloud loop for emergency response. But, it still functions in concert with the cloud to remotely run, deploy, and monitor the IoT devices.

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